Pastor: David Range
November 10, 2024
Miramar United Methodist Church
in the heart of Miramar, a place for gathering, healing, and sending out friends, helping to create a sense of family to find new life in Christ.
Part of the United Methodist family where we make disciples for the
Transformation of the world.
Order of Worship
November 10, 2024 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. services
Please see the end of the bulletin for some additional important information
HYMN 117 O God, Our Help in Ages Past+
1 O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come,
our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home!
2 Under the shadow of thy throne still may we dwell secure.
Sufficient is thine arm alone, and our defense is sure.
3 Before the hills in order stood, or earth received her frame,
from everlasting thou art God, to endless years the same.
4 A thousand ages in thy sight are like an evening gone,
short as the watch that ends the night before the rising sun.
5 Time, like an ever-rolling stream, bears all who breathe away;
They fly forgotten, as a dream dies at the opening day.
6 O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come,
be thou our guide while life shall last, and our eternal home.
WORDS: Isaac Watts, 1719 MUSIC: Attr. to William Croft, 1708; harm. by W. H. Monk, 1861 ccli #242496
Everybody ought to know
Everybody ought to know Everybody ought to know
Everybody ought to know Who Jesus is
Everybody ought to know Everybody ought to know
Everybody ought to know Who Jesus is
He’s the lily of the valley
He’s the bright and morning star
He’s the fairest of ten thousand
Everybody ought to know
Everybody ought to know Everybody ought to know
Everybody ought to know Who Jesus is.
I’m so glad Jesus lifted me
How great is our God, how great is his name
He’s the greatest God, forever the same
He rolled back the water from the mighty red sea,
He said I need you, won’t you trust in me.
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever
I will sing, I will sing
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord
With my mouth…I will make known
Thy faithfulness…Thy faithfulness
With my mouth…I will make known
Thy faithfulness to all generations
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever
I will sing, I will sing
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord
Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary,
Pure and holy…tried and true.
With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living
Sanctuary for you
Birthdays and Anniversaries
TODAY: After the 11:00 a.m. service the United Methodist Men will practice for the concert that they are sponsoring on December 8
TONIGHT: Church Prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m.
WEDNESDAY: Bold Justice will be meeting with Colonel Holmes of the Broward Sheriff's Office to encourage implementation of civil citations for adults, especially for non-moving traffic offenses.
Those wishing to car pool please meet in our parking lot by 9:15 a.m. in order to arrive on time for the pre meeting at 9:45, when we will prepare for the 11:00 a.m. meeting. The meeting will be at the Plantation SDA church at 400 NW 118th Ave, Plantation, FL 33325
WEDNESDAY: Bible Study online with pastor David at 7:00 p.m. Please ask him for the zoom link to join.
THURSDAY: Choir at 7:00 p.m.
FRIDAY: the United Methodist Men invites all men to join them for a Games Night from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall.
SATURDAY: Food distribution 10:00 a.m.
NEXT SUNDAY: 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. services.
The Mission Offering today is for Apportionments
Next Sunday our Mission Offering goes to BOLD Justice
Looking ahead:
TUESDAY November 19 at 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. is the Bold Justice Research Kick Off, when we hope a number of our network members will volunteer to work on our research committees in order to find solutions to big problems. The meeting will be at Grace Alone Lutheran Church, 1900 SW 35th Ave, Ft. Lauderdale. Please be at our church parking lot by 6:15 if you would like to go with others.
SUNDAY, November 24 is Harvest Thanksgiving. Please get ready any fruit and vegetables you may have to offer for the decoration of the sanctuary and the sale afterwards. Young people should collect food that they can march forward with at the beginning of the service and adults can prepare their special Harvest Thanksgiving offering for all the blessings that we have received. Please note that the Preschool families have donated four boxes of food behind the last pew. You are invited to add to it so there will be more food than ever brought forward on Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday.
THURSDAY, November 28 is the day of Thanksgiving when we will be hosting another meal preparation in coordination with Branches and Vitas hospice. Volunteers needed. Please talk to Allison Feurtado or Pastor David
The Christmas Concert that the United Methodist Men sponsor will take place on Sunday, December 8 at 6:00 p.m. We invite everyone who wants to perform in this home-grown concert to speak to Willard Kennedy or any of the men’s group. We look forward to this fun and holy time.
Thanks for a lovely Pastor Appreciation Sunday! Pastor David, Pastor CJ and Ben.
For Sharing of the Spirit, please wave at the YouTube camera and say, “the peace of the Lord be with you,” and then wave at your neighbor in the sanctuary and say, “and also with you”.
Please stand for the gospel of Mark 12: 41-44 followed by Matthew 5:21-24
*HYMN 389 Freely, Freely+
1 God forgave my sin in Jesus' name. I've been born again in Jesus' name
And in Jesus' name I come to you to share his love as he told me to.
He said “Freely, freely you have received; freely, freely give.
Go in my name, and because you believe others will know that I live.”
2 All power is given in Jesus' name in earth and heaven in Jesus’ name
And in Jesus' name I come to you to share his power as he told me to.
He said “Freely, freely you have received; freely, freely give.
Go in my name, and because you believe others will know that I live.”
WORDS: Carol Owens, 1972 MUSIC: Carol Owens, 1972
Please pass the offering bags along each row at the direction of the ushers. Instructions for giving online, by check or text are in the section after the Order of Service.
The Mission Offering today is for Apportionments
Next Sunday our Mission Offering goes to Bold Justice
Prayer of Dedication
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
praise him all creatures here below,
praise him above, ye heavenly hosts,
praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen
Sunday School children go out to their classes
HYMN 191 Jesus Loves Me This I Know+
1 Jesus loves me! this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to him belong; they are weak, but he is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
2 Jesus loves me, this I know, as he loved so long ago,
taking children on his knee, saying, "Let them come to me.“
Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
3 Jesus loves me still today, walking with me on my way,
wanting as a friend to give, light and love to all who live.
Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
WORDS: St. 1 Anna B. Warner, 1860; Sts. 2-3 David Rutherford MacGuire MUSIC: William B. Bradbury, 1862
(please email
PRAYER HYMN 437 This is my song+
1 This is my song, O God of all the nations,
A song of peace for lands afar and mine.
This is my home, the country where my heart is;
Here are my hopes, my dreams, my holy shrine;
But other hearts in other lands are beating
With hopes and dreams as true and high as mine.
2 My country's skies are bluer than the ocean,
And sunlight beams on cloverleaf and pine;
But other lands have sunlight too, and clover,
And skies are everywhere as blue as mine.
O hear my song, thou God of all the nations;
A song of peace for their land and for mine.
3 This is my prayer, O Lord of all earth's kingdoms:
Thy kingdom come; on earth thy will be done.
Let Christ be lifted up till all shall serve Him,
And hearts united learn to live as one.
O hear my prayer, thou God of all the nations;
Myself I give thee; let thy will be done.
WORDS: Sts. 1,2 Lloyd Stone, 1934; st. 3, Georgia Harkness, ca. 1939 MUSIC: Jean Sibelius, 1899; arr. from The Hymnal, 1933
Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven:
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory,
For ever and ever. Amen.
SERMON Who has not felt it? Pastor David Range
HYMN OF SENDING FORTH 698 God of the Ages+
1 God of the ages, whose almighty hand
leads forth in beauty all the starry band
of shining worlds in splendor through the skies,
our grateful songs before thy throne arise.
2 Thy love divine hath led us in the past;
in this free land with thee our lot is cast;
be thou our ruler, guardian, guide, and stay,
thy Word our law, thy paths our chosen way.
3 From war's alarms, from deadly pestilence,
be thy strong arm our ever sure defense;
thy true religion in our hearts increase;
thy bounteous goodness nourish us in peace.
4 Refresh thy people on their toilsome way;
lead us from night to never-ending day;
fill all our lives with love and grace divine,
and glory, laud, and praise be ever thine.
WORDS: Daniel C. Roberts, 1876 MUSIC: George W. Warren, 1894
All music under ccli #24249
We give God thanks for this opportunity to worship together in-person in our sanctuary as well as online. Wearing your mask is optional as the Covid virus, although still present, is no longer a healthcare emergency. Please continue to get your booster shots as they become available. We are always happy (and look forward) to have you join us in the sanctuary, but for those who would like to continue to participate from home, we will continue to live stream the services on (formerly Twitter) and
To join us on simply type Miramar UMC in the search bar and then you should see the service live streamed. If you subscribe to our service through you can set up reminders for the day before or 15 minutes before, whatever you like.
The other way to “gather” in virtual worship is through the (formerly known as Twitter) service available by going to our website. Pass around the information so that others may join in worship by clicking on the icon on the home page. We will continue our 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. services (except when we have a fifth Sunday of the month 10:00 a.m. service.) If you lose the service for a few seconds do not worry it will probably come back, but if it is longer than a few seconds you might try clicking the refresh Error! Filename not specified. button in your browser window.
Please email your prayer requests for uplifting on Sundays by sending them to It is best if you send them by Saturday NOON if possible.
Our church prayer meeting is online on Sundays at 7:30 p.m. and you may contact Marvia Aitken or Vinessa Edwards for the link.
WAYS to give:
1. Online giving is available through our website On the home page the ‘Donate’ icon (a hand with a dollar sign above it) is located at the top left corner and on the right under “Contact Us” you will see the same icon along with “Donate Online.” Click on either location for instructions. If you need help call the church office at 954-989-4711. Thanks to all who have signed up for this. The regular tithes and offerings of the church are a great source of blessing.
2. You can also mail a check to Miramar United Methodist Church. If you have your offering envelopes you will see that the address of the church is printed for mailing purposes and your offering can be mailed in this envelope when you apply a stamp. You may also use a regular envelope and address it to: MUMC, 2507 Utopia Drive, Miramar FL 33023. Just put your check inside, mark which funds you would like to support, put a stamp on and let the United States Postal Service do the rest! Or bring it by after the Sunday services, someone will be in the church for one hour after the worship finishes as well as Mon-Thurs 1-5 pm. We trust God will keep us strong.
3. Also, we have the option of giving by text! Use 833-931-1791 to GivePlusText and when you text any amount, by putting that number in the message, you will be prompted to register, then fill out the details of your name, address and means of payment, and the contribution will go in! If you enter an email address you will get an immediate receipt. It is easy! If you have an Apple phone you may also get Vanco’s GivePlusMobile by downloading the app from the App Store. You may also look up YouTube videos to show how all this is done.
Thank you for your prayers! Grace and peace, Pastor David