March 13, 2022

Pastor: David Range

March 13, 2022

We are back in the sanctuary and you are invited to join us!

The Twitter icon is back on the restored website

Miramar United Methodist Church
n the heart of Miramar, a place for gathering, healing, and sending out friends, helping to create a sense of family to find new life in Christ
Part of the United Methodist family where we make disciples for the
Transformation of the world.

Celebrating 61 years!

Order of Worship, Second Sunday in Lent, March 13, 2022

8:30 and 11:00 a.m. services   

Please see the end of the bulletin for some additional important information        

CALL TO WORSHIP     Ola Duhaney

UMW PURPOSE: The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God, and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.

LITANY Eula Fahie Romero 8:30 a.m. Florrette Douglas11:00 a.m.  
(Please be seated for the Litany)

One: God of mission, you remind us this morning once again to seek your kingdom first,
All:  God of abundant living, you call us to steep our lives in your initiatives.
One: God of infinite provisions, you tell us not to worry about missing out, and promise us that you will take care of our everyday concerns
God of grace, you summon us back to your kingdom as the goal and purpose of our lives.
All: God of faith, hope, and love, you fit your daughters and sons for various activities for the sake of your mission.
One: Most holy God, you call us to live out your Gospel through word and deed,
All: by public and personal witnessing, through acts of charity and works of mercy.
One: O God of mystery, we are constantly surprised by the working of your Spirit in our midst.
All: O Holy Spirit, continue to guide us, as we offer ourselves to your bidding, and commit ourselves to work for the reign of God here and afar.
One: In the name of One Eternal God.
All: Jesus the Christ, our Savior. Amen.

*HYMN 89 Joyful, Joyful we Adore Thee

1 Joyful, joyful, we adore thee, God of glory, Lord of love;
Hearts unfold like flowers before thee, opening to the sun above.
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness; drive the dark of doubt away;
Giver of immortal gladness, fill us with the light of day!

2 All thy works with joy surround thee, earth and heaven reflect thy rays,
Stars and angels sing around thee, center of unbroken praise;
Field and forest, vale and mountain, flowery meadow, flashing sea,
Chanting bird and flowing fountain call us to rejoice in thee.

3 Thou art giving and forgiving, ever blessing, ever blest,
Well-spring of the joy of living, ocean-depth of happy rest!
Thou our Father, Christ our brother, all who live in love are thine;
Teach us how to love each other, lift us to the joy divine.

4 Mortals, join the mighty chorus, which the morning stars began;
Love divine is reigning o’er us, binding all within its span.
Ever singing, march we onward, victors in the midst of strife;
Joyful music leads us sunward In the triumph song of life.

WORDS: Henry Van Dyke, 1907; st. 4 alt. 1989 MUSIC: Ludwig van Beethoven, 1824; arr. by Edward Hodges, 1864

OPENING PRAYER   Eula Fahie Romero 8.30 a.m. Florrette Douglas 11.00 a.m.  

WOMEN’S HISTORY MOMENT: Paulette Whyte 8.30 a.m. Marvia Aitken 11.00 a.m. 

WELCOME & RECOGNITION OF VISITORS 8:30 a.m. Gwen Pickering  11:00 a.m. Janet Peterkin   
BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY RECOGNITION                                        

TODAY: Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. online with Marvia Aitken and friends. Please contact Marvia for the link at

TODAY: Church Prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. 

TUESDAY: BOLD Research Committees online at 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. 

WEDNESDAY: Fast-breaking service at 12:00 noon. Wednesday mornings during Lent we will have the fast-breaking services at 12:00 noon. On March 16, 23, 30, April 6 and 13 you are invited to come to the sanctuary after fasting for as long or short a time as you like. We will share in a hymn, a prayer, a reading, a short message, and the breaking of bread in holy communion. The service should take no longer than 30 minutes. We strengthen each other in the community of the church in order to make the season of lent most impactful to our lives
Bible Study online at 7:00 p.m. Please contact Pastor David at for the link.

THURSDAY: Food distribution starts between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. You are invited to bring packing boxes for volunteers to put food in.

SATURDAY: 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Confirmation class.

NEXT SUNDAY: 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. services. New Member Session after each service. Please speak with the pastor if you would like to join the church or come on that day

SATURDAY March 26 from 11-3:00 p.m. all children are invited to the Easter Egg Hunt at Tree Tops Park, 3900 SW 100th Ave. Davie 33328. The congregation is invited to bring candies to the church on Sundays or to the church office during the week to support the children.

Bold Justice dates
Nehemiah Action Monday, April 4 at 7:30 p.m., Charles Dodge Center, 601 City Center Way, Pembroke Pines. If you need transport to the Charles Dodge Center, please let your Team Leader know.
Justice Ministry Celebration Tuesday, June 14 at 7:30 p.m.

For Sharing of the Spirit, please wave at the YouTube camera and say, “the peace of the Lord be with you,” and then wave at your neighbor in the sanctuary and say, “and also with you”.    


This Is The Day That The Lord Hath Made
This is the day, this is the day
That the Lord has made, that the Lord has made
I will rejoice, I will rejoice, and be glad in it, and be glad in it.
This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it
This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made.

What A Mighty God We Serve
What a mighty God we serve, what a mighty God we serve
Angels bow before him, heaven and earth adore him
What a mighty God we serve

Lord, I Lift Your Name On High
Lord, I lift your name on high, Lord, I love to sing your praises
I’m so glad you’re in my life, I’m so glad you came to save us.
You came from heaven to earth, to show the way
From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay
From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky
Lord, I lift your name on high.

We are Standing on Holy Ground
We are standing on holy ground
And I know that there are angels all around
Let us praise…Jesus now
We are standing in His presence on Holy ground

Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy…tried and true.
With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living sanctuary for y

Please stand for the gospel according to: Luke 13:10-21 Joanne Rutland 8.30 a.m. and Luke 1:5-25 Shirley Lindsay 11.00 a.m.       

CHILDREN’S TIME  Bettyanne Gallagher 8.30 a.m., 11.00 a.m. Dr. Liezette Abel Ruffin      

*HYMN 380 There’s within my Heart a Melody+ 

1 There’s within my heart a melody, Jesus whispers sweet and low:                  
Fear not, I am with thee, peace be still, in all of life’s ebb and flow.       
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know,
fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go.

2 All my life was wrecked by sin and strife, 
discord filled my heart with pain; 
Jesus swept across the broken strings, 
stirred the slumbering chords again. 
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know,
fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go.

3 Though sometimes he leads through waters deep, 
trials fall across the way, 
though sometimes the path seems rough and steep, 
see his footprints all the way.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know,
fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go.

4 Feasting on the riches of his grace, 
resting neath his sheltering wing, 
always looking on his smiling face, 
that is why I shout and sing.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know,
fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go.

5 Soon he's coming back to welcome me 
far beyond the starry sky; 
I shall wing my flight to worlds unknown; 
I shall reign with him on high.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know,
fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go.

WORDS: Luther B. Bridgers, 1910 MUSIC: Luther B. Bridgers, 1910

RECEPTION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS Please place your offering in the baskets at the 3 doors leading into the sanctuary on your way in or out.

The Mission Offering today is for Apportionments 
Next Sunday our Mission Offering goes to BOLD Justice

Prayer of Dedication

One minute musical interlude while worshipers prepare their offering. Instructions for giving online, by check or text are in the intro section before the Order of Service.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow, 
praise him all creatures here below, 
praise him above, ye heavenly hosts, 
praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen


PRAYER HYMN 365 Grace Greater than our Sin+ 

Marvelous grace of our loving Lord, 
Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt!
Yonder on Calvary's mount out-poured–
There where the blood of the Lamb was spilt.

Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that is greater than all our sin!

2 Sin and despair like the sea-waves cold,
Threaten the soul with infinite loss;
Grace that is greater– yes, grace untold–
Points to the refuge, the mighty cross.

Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that is greater than all our sin!

3 Dark is the stain that we cannot hide.
What can avail to wash it away?
Look! There is flowing a crimson tide, 
Brighter than snow you may be today.
Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that is greater than all our sin!

4 Marvelous, infinite, matchless grace,
Freely bestowed on all who believe!
All who are longing to see His face,
Will you this moment His grace receive?
Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that is greater than all our sin!

WORDS: Julia H. Johnston, 1911 MUSIC: Daniel B. Towner, 1910 


Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven:
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses, 
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, 
For ever and ever. Amen.

ANTHEM    Standing on the Promises of God        UMW Choir 

Preparation Chorus: He is here Hallelujah

He is here, Hallelujah! He is here, Amen!
He is here, Holy, Holy, I will bless His name again
He is here, listen closely, hear Him calling out your name
He is here, you can touch Him, you will never be the same.

MESSAGE Deaconess Dr. Judith Pierre-Okerson 8:30 a.m. Sister Joyce Hemmans 11:00 a.m.

HYMN OF SENDING FORTH 266 Heal us Emmanuel, Hear our Prayer+

1. Heal us, Emmanuel, hear our prayer; we wait to feel thy touch;
Deep-wounded souls to thee repair, and Savior, we are such.

2. Our faith is feeble, we confess we faintly trust thy word;
but wilt thou pity us the less? Be that far from thee, Lord!

3. Remember him who once applied with trembling for relief; 
“Lord, I believe,” with tears he cried; “O help my unbelief!”

4. She, too, who touched thee in the press and healing virtue stole,
was answered, “Daughter, go in peace: thy faith hath made thee whole.”

5. Like her, with hopes and fears we come to touch thee if we may;
O send us not despairing home; send none unhealed away.

WORDS: William Cowper, 1779 MUSIC: Johann Cruger, 1647


+All music under ccli #24249      


In celebration of the National Women’s History Month, today’s bulletins are given by Miramar United Methodist Women in honor of our Church, women and children.
United Methodist Women meets every third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the via zoom.  Please join us. We will be honored to count you among our guests!

Our heartfelt thanks to Deaconess Dr. Judith Pierre-Okerson and Sister Joyce Hemmans for blessing us with the Word of God to us today!
...  YOU, for worshiping with us this morning!


We give God thanks for this opportunity to worship together in-person in our sanctuary as well as online. Please wear your mask and greet each with a wave, an elbow or fist bump. Please maintain social distance and sit at either end or the middle of the pew. In the pews we ask you to sit, in every other pew, spaced out as best you can. Seats are also available in the foyer and the fellowship hall if needed. Both have been set up with screens for the PowerPoint presentation and live video stream from the pulpit. We will continue to live stream the services on Twitter and YouTube for those who would like to continue to participate from home.

The offering will be received in the baskets at the three entry points of the sanctuary. No bulletins will be handed out, everything you need will be on the screens. No need to call or email ahead for a place to worship, you are invited to the sanctuary any time for in-person worship. Come as you are!

Remember there are two ways you can watch our services. One is on by typing in the search bar: Miramar UMC and then you should see the service live streamed. If you subscribe to our service through you can set up reminders for the day before or 15 minutes before, whatever you like.

The other way to “gather” in virtual worship is through the Twitter service available by going to our website. Pass around the information so that others may join in worship by clicking on the Twitter bird icon on the home page. We will continue our 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. services (except when we have a fifth Sunday of the month 10:00 a.m. service.) If you lose the service for a few seconds do not worry it will probably come back, but if it is longer than a few seconds you might try clicking the refresh button in your browser window.

Please email your prayer requests for uplifting on Sundays by sending them to It is best if you send them by Saturday NOON if possible.

Our prayer meeting is online on Sundays at 7:30 p.m. and you may contact Marvia Aitken or Vinessa Edwards for the link.

This week, Monday through Thursday there will be someone in the church office from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. each day, and you may make an appointment to see the pastor at these or other times. Please remember to enter from the south entrance near the Pastor’s office. No other doors will be open for church business. The preschool is open but you should still come in by the south entrance because the north entrance from the parking lot must be dedicated for the little children of the preschool. Please let friends with preschool aged children know that they can enroll the children in our preschool.

WAYS to give:

1. Online giving is available through our website On the home page the ‘Donate’ icon (a hand with a dollar sign above it) is located at the top left corner and on the right under “Contact Us” you will see the same icon along with “Donate Online.” Click on either location for instructions. If you need help call the church office at 954-989-4711. Thanks to all who have signed up for this. The regular tithes and offerings of the church are a great source of blessing.

2. You can also mail a check to Miramar United Methodist Church. If you have your offering envelopes you will see that the address of the church is printed for mailing purposes and your offering can be mailed in this envelope when you apply a stamp. You may also use a regular envelope and address it to: MUMC, 2507 Utopia Drive, Miramar FL 33023.

Just put your check inside, mark which funds you would like to support, put a stamp on and let the United States Postal Service do the rest! Or bring it by after the Sunday services, someone will be in the church for one hour after the worship finishes as well as Mon-Thurs 1-5 pm. We trust God will keep us strong.

3. Also, we have the option of giving by text! Use 833-931-1791 to GivePlusText and when you text any amount, by putting that number in the message, you will be prompted to register, then fill out the details of your name, address and means of payment, and the contribution will go in! If you enter an email address you will get an immediate receipt. It is easy! If you have an Apple phone you may also get Vanco’s GivePlusMobile by downloading the app from the App Store. You may also look up YouTube videos to show how all this is done.

Thank you for your prayers! Grace and peace, Pastor David