Pastor: David Range
February 23, 2025
Miramar United Methodist Church
in the heart of Miramar, a place for gathering, healing, and sending out friends, helping to create a sense of family to find new life in Christ.
Part of the United Methodist family where we make disciples for the
Transformation of the world.
Order of Worship for
February 23, 2025 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. services
Please see the end of the bulletin for some additional important information
*HYMN 61 Come Thou Almighty King+
1 Come, Thou Almighty King, help us thy name to sing,
help us to praise!
Father, all glorious, o'er all victorious,
come, and reign over us, Ancient of Days.
2 Come, thou incarnate Word, gird on thy mighty sword,
our prayer attend!
Come, and thy people bless, and give thy Word success:
Spirit of holiness, on us descend!
3 Come, holy Comforter, thy sacred witness bear
in this glad hour.
Thou who almighty art, now rule in every heart,
and ne'er from us depart, Spirit of power.
4 To Thee, great One in Three, eternal praises be
hence, evermore.
Thy sovereign majesty may we in glory see,
and to eternity love and adore!
WORDS: Anon. MUSIC: Felice de Giardini, 1769
I will enter his gates (Sing twice)
I will enter his gates with thanksgiving in my heart
I will enter his courts with praise
I will say this is the day that the Lord has made
I will rejoice for he has made me glad
He has made me glad, he has made me glad
I will rejoice for he has made me glad
He has made me glad, he has made me glad
I will rejoice for he has made me glad
Blessed be the name of the Lord (Sing once)
Blessed be the name of the Lord,
Blessed be the name of the Lord,
Blessed be the name of the Lord Most High!
Blessed be the name of the Lord,
Blessed be the name of the Lord,
Blessed be the name of the Lord Most High!
The name of the Lord is a strong tower,
The righteous run into it, and they are saved.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower,
The righteous run into it, and they are saved.
Glory to the name of the Lord,
Glory to the name of the Lord,
Glory to the name of the Lord Most High! Glory to the name of the Lord,
Glory to the name of the Lord,
Glory to the name of the Lord Most High!
The name of the Lord is a strong tower,
The righteous run into it, and they are saved.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower,
The righteous run into it, and they are saved.
Holy is the name of the Lord,
Holy is the name of the Lord,
Holy is the name of the Lord Most High!
Holy is the name of the Lord,
Holy is the name of the Lord,
Holy is the name of the Lord Most High!
The name of the Lord is a strong tower,
The righteous run into it, and they are saved.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower,
The righteous run into it, and they are saved.
Step by step (Sing twice)
O God, You are my God, and I will ever praise You
O God, You are my God, and I will ever praise You
I will seek You in the morning
I will learn to walk in Your ways
And step by step You lead me
And I will follow You all of my days
Sanctuary (Sing twice)
Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy, tried and true
With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living
Sanctuary, for you
Something beautiful (Sing once)
Something beautiful, something good;
All my confusion He understood.
All I had to offer Him
Was brokenness and strife,
But He made something beautiful of my life.
Visitors, you are invited to stand and introduce yourself or be introduced by a friend
Birthdays and Anniversaries
TONIGHT: Church Prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m.
MONDAY: Picnic planning committee meets at 7:30 p.m.
TUESDAY: Farm Share truck needs unloading, 8:15 a.m. and if you can help pack the food into boxes Tuesday or Wednesday it would be a big help.
WEDNESDAY: Bible Study online with pastor David at 7:00 p.m. Please ask him for the zoom link to join.
THURSDAY: Food Distribution 8:00 a.m., Choir practice 7:00 p.m.
FRIDAY: Children’s Club 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
SATURDAY: Youth Group, 4-5:30 p.m.
NEXT SUNDAY: Worship at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. with the United Methodist Men meeting after the 11:00 a.m. service.
Looking ahead:
MONDAY March 3 Trustees, 7:30 p.m.
TUESDAY March 4, Finance committee, 7:00 p.m.
WEDNESDAY March 5, Ash Wednesday service at 7:30 p.m.
Bold Justice dates to keep in your prayers and on your calendars: Rally on Tuesday March 11 and Nehemiah Action on Monday April 7. Those of you who worship online can also support the network of Bold Justice members in our congregation by offering prayers for a successful Rally and Nehemiah Action and by making monetary investments in this work of justice. Please contact Pastor David or the Team members Joyce Hemmans, Roland Abel, Vinessa Edwards or Clover Williams-Dussard. Statistics show that thousands of families are leaving Broward County because they cannot afford to live here so please help each network member and the cause of more affordable housing by bringing at least 3 people to the Nehemiah Action so that we might together with the other congregation stand… Bold… for Justice.
You are invited to join in any of the research committees mentioned on the flyers at the end of the bulletin.
If you are a resident of a city having a local election please be sure to apply for a mail-in ballot or plan to go to your voting location March 11.
Summer camp week is June 30 to July 5. Please see Pastor David for more information
The Mission Offering today is for Apportionments
Next Sunday our Mission Offering goes to Good Samaritan Fund
For Sharing of the Spirit, please wave at the YouTube camera and say, “the peace of the Lord be with you,” and then wave at your neighbor in the sanctuary and say, “and also with you”
Please stand for the gospel of Luke 6:27-36
HYMN 157 Jesus shall reign+
1 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
does its successive journeys run;
his kingdom spread from shore to shore,
till moons shall wax and wane no more.
2 To Jesus endless prayer be made,
and endless praises crown his head;
His name like sweet perfume shall rise
with every morning sacrifice.
3 People and realms of every tongue
dwell on his love with sweetest song;
and infant voices shall proclaim
their early blessings on his name.
4 Blessings abound where'er he reigns:
all prisoners leap and loose their chains,
the weary find eternal rest,
and all who suffer want are blest.
5 Let every creature rise and bring
honors peculiar to our King;
angels descend with songs again,
and earth repeat the loud amen!
WORDS: Isaac Watts, 1719 MUSIC: John Hatton, 1793
The Mission Offering today is for Apportionments
Next Sunday our Mission Offering goes to Good Samaritan Fund
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
praise him all creatures here below,
praise him above, ye heavenly hosts,
praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen
Sunday School children go out to their classes
Jesus Loves Me This I Know
1 Jesus loves me! this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to him belong; they are weak, but he is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
2 Jesus loves me, this I know, as he loved so long ago,
taking children on his knee, saying, "Let them come to me.“
Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
3 Jesus loves me still today, walking with me on my way,
wanting as a friend to give, light and love to all who live.
Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
WORDS: St. 1 Anna B. Warner, 1860; Sts. 2-3 David Rutherford MacGuire MUSIC: William B. Bradbury, 1862
(please email
PRAYER HYMN 364 Because He Lives+
1 God sent His son, they called Him Jesus;
He came to love, heal and forgive;
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
an empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives.
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow;
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living, just because He lives!
2 How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives;
But greater still the calm assurance,
This child can face uncertain days because He Lives.
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow;
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living, just because He lives!
3 And then one day, I'll cross the river;
I'll fight life's final war with pain;
And then, as death gives way to victory,
I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He reigns
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow;
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living, just because He lives!
WORDS: Gloria and William J. Gaither, 1971 MUSIC: William J. Gaither, 1971
Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven:
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory,
For ever and ever. Amen.
SERMON High Hopes for a Hard Word Pastor David Range
*HYMN OF SENDING FORTH 733 Marching to Zion+
1 Come, we that love the Lord, and let our joys be known;
Join in a song with sweet accord, join in a song with sweet accord
and thus surround the throne, and thus surround the throne
We’re marching to Zion, beautiful, beautiful Zion;
We’re marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God.
2 Let those refuse to sing, who never knew our God;
But children of the heavenly King, but children of the heavenly King
May speak their joys abroad, may speak their joys abroad.
We’re marching to Zion, beautiful, beautiful Zion;
We’re marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God.
3 The hill of Zion yields a thousand sacred sweets
Before we reach the heavenly fields, before we reach the heavenly fields
Or walk the golden streets or walk the golden streets.
We’re marching to Zion, beautiful, beautiful Zion;
We’re marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God.
4 Then let our songs abound, and every tear be dry;
We’re marching through Emmanuel’s ground,
We’re marching through Emmanuel’s ground,
To fairer worlds on high, to fairer worlds on high.
We’re marching to Zion, beautiful, beautiful Zion;
We’re marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God.
WORDS: Isaac Watts, 1707; refrain by Robert Lowry, 1867 MUSIC: Robert Lowry, 1867
All music under ccli #24249
We give God thanks for this opportunity to worship together in-person in our sanctuary as well as online. Wearing your mask is optional as the Covid virus, although still present, is no longer a healthcare emergency. Please continue to get your booster shots as they become available. We are always happy (and look forward) to have you join us in the sanctuary, but for those who would like to continue to participate from home, we will continue to live stream the services on (formerly Twitter) and
To join us on simply type Miramar UMC in the search bar and then you should see the service live streamed. If you subscribe to our service through you can set up reminders for the day before or 15 minutes before, whatever you like.
The other way to “gather” in virtual worship is through the (formerly known as Twitter) service available by going to our website. Pass around the information so that others may join in worship by clicking on the icon on the home page. We will continue our 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. services (except when we have a fifth Sunday of the month 10:00 a.m. service.) If you lose the service for a few seconds do not worry it will probably come back, but if it is longer than a few seconds you might try clicking the refresh Error! Filename not specified. button in your browser window.
Please email your prayer requests for uplifting on Sundays by sending them to It is best if you send them by Saturday NOON if possible.
Our church prayer meeting is online on Sundays at 7:30 p.m. and you may contact Marvia Aitken or Vinessa Edwards for the link.
WAYS to give:
1. Online giving is available through our website On the home page the ‘Donate’ icon (a hand with a dollar sign above it) is located at the top left corner and on the right under “Contact Us” you will see the same icon along with “Donate Online.” Click on either location for instructions. If you need help call the church office at 954-989-4711. Thanks to all who have signed up for this. The regular tithes and offerings of the church are a great source of blessing.
2. You can also mail a check to Miramar United Methodist Church. If you have your offering envelopes you will see that the address of the church is printed for mailing purposes and your offering can be mailed in this envelope when you apply a stamp. You may also use a regular envelope and address it to: MUMC, 2507 Utopia Drive, Miramar FL 33023. Just put your check inside, mark which funds you would like to support, put a stamp on and let the United States Postal Service do the rest! Or bring it by after the Sunday services, someone will be in the church for one hour after the worship finishes as well as Mon-Thurs 1-5 pm. We trust God will keep us strong.
3. Also, we have the option of giving by text! Use 833-931-1791 to GivePlusText and when you text any amount, by putting that number in the message, you will be prompted to register, then fill out the details of your name, address and means of payment, and the contribution will go in! If you enter an email address you will get an immediate receipt. It is easy! If you have an Apple phone you may also get Vanco’s GivePlusMobile by downloading the app from the App Store. You may also look up YouTube videos to show how all this is done.
Thank you for your prayers! Grace and peace, Pastor David